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Naturopathic Medicine Blog

Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Canada

Posted Mar 19th, 2018 in Naturopathic Medicine, News, Tips

Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Canada


Lung Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canada (only preceded by Non-Melanomatous skin cancer). In 2017: 28,600 new cases were expected to be diagnosed. This represented 14% of all cancers diagnosed that year. Of those, 14,400 were men and 11,100 were expected to die from this disease. Women represented 14,200 of the total, and 10,000 would die.

Available treatment options 

Surgery(segmentectomy, lobectomy, or pneumonectomy), Radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Recently, targeted therapies ( Monoclonal antibodies, and Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors)  were found to be effective in many cases of Non-small lung cancer such as Erlotinib(Tarceva), Gefitinib(Iressa), Bevacizumab( Avastin), Crizotinib(Xalkori), and Ceritinib(Zykadia).

Which treatment is effective in Non-Small Lung Cancer?

There is no single treatment that can cure/control lung cancer. A combination of treatments (such as surgery, radiation, and targeted agents) is essential in many cases. The qualified oncologist is the only one who can decide which treatment suits you. Do not assume that you would receive a treatment similar to other patients as every patient is unique even if they have the same stage and type of lung cancer.

How can Naturopathic doctors help patients with lung cancer?

Naturopathic doctors are board-certified doctors who support your general health during all stages of lung cancer treatment. Examples of supportive care measures that naturopathic doctors can help are high-dose intravenous vitamin C, immune support, and nutrition.

Do you want more information?

Contact me at https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-naturpathic-dr-grimsby-niagara 

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