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With the fall season coming soon on the doors, everyone in Canada is looking for the best means to protect themselves from viral infections such as the cold and flu, influenza, viral bronchitis, and even the recently reported outbreaks in the world such as measles and Ebola viruses. This article will discuss the extent of the problem of viral infections in the fall season and all the related facts in Toronto and Hamilton.
Regarding the viral infections in the two big cities in Ontario and the GTA, Toronto, and Hamilton, it was found that the most common viral infection in these cities is the Influenza virus. This is according to the Public Health Ontario website updated August 17th, 2019 https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/data-and-analysis/infectious-disease/respiratory-pathogens-weekly
According to last year's 2018 report, the Influenza A virus was the dominant type of viral infection in Toronto and Hamilton, and the total number of newly diagnosed influenza cases that year was 18,253 as compared to only 12,518 in last year’s statistics (2017). The overall rate of influenza in Ontario was 128.3 cases per 100,000 population. The highest age group affected was those above 65 years old.
What are the drawbacks of viral infections?
In addition to the well-known symptoms of viral infections such as weakness, fatigue, tiredness, and sleepiness, patients with viral infections are liable to other problems such as chest infections, cough, pneumonia, encephalitis (brain infections), and very rarely death
How can we avoid viral infections?
Many people don’t believe that the best way to avoid viral infections and the flu is to change the food they eat. Eating lots of greens, especially dark green leafy vegetables (such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Spinach and Kale can be very effective in preventing colds and viral infections. On the other hand, eating excess carbohydrates and sugary food can weaken your immunity and make you susceptible to viral infections. Taking enough antioxidant supplements such as NAC (N Acetyl Cysteine, and Vitamin C) can be protective as well.
The problem happens when you are not or being unable to change your diet, so in this situation, what you can do? The solution is simple you may not make all the necessary changes at once, you can start with one food item (e.g. adding more greens or fruits) and then move to the next item. You may need the help of a healthcare professional as a nutritionist or a naturopathic doctor.
How do natural remedies help to treat flu or viral-related illnesses?
Natural means to curb the symptoms related to the flu or viral infections are many such as giving oral multivitamins, dietary advice, inhalational glutathione, and intravenous therapies.
Post-flu cough is a very common problem and patients usually present with a nagging and lingering irritating cough that may or may not be followed by phlegm. Natural remedies for this persistent cough include inhalational natural remedies such as antioxidants and reducing agents.
Intravenous therapy with vitamin C and minerals is also another way to immediately control flu symptoms.
If you have any questions kindly use these links
Hamilton, Niagara, and Grimsby Residents: https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-naturpathic-dr-grimsby-niagara
Toronto and Scarborough Residents: