According to the Statistics Canada Website (Updated Feb 12th 2020), https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov There are 7 confirmed cases of Corona Virus 3 in Ontario and 4 in British Colombia. Although Corona Virus Outbreak is considered now a Public Health Emergency as per the World Health Organization (WHO), The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) considers that the risk of this virus transmission in Canada is low.
As of today, February 12, 2020, in China and other countries, a total of 45,171 confirmed cases, and 1,115 deaths of Corona Virus have been reported. In China only, 17,000 cases were reported of whom 3% are in a critical condition, 15% are in severe condition, and 82% are described as being in a mild condition https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-cases/
As of 2020, Coronavirus has no vaccination or antiviral treatment. So, the only way to fight this Corona Virus is to support the person’s own immunity hopefully this can fight the virus and limit its aggressiveness. The goal of this article is to discuss How To Support Your Immunity During The Corona Virus Outbreak.
What is meant by Body Immunity?
Body Immunity (sometimes called Immune System) is a Complex Array od different cells and organs that work together as a defence team against foreign bodies, bacteria and viruses that may cause harm to the body systems. The Immune System include cells such as Lymphocytes, Macrophages, Monocytes, Neutrophils, and Plasma cells, their function is to attack the viruses and eliminate them, so they become neutralized and not being able to harm the body. Certain organs and body systems such as the Bone Marrow, Spleen and Liver. If the Immune System weakens, the viruses and bacteria do not only get a chance to invade the body and infect the human being but is also become so aggressive and violent that they may damage the main organs of the body such as the brain (causing viral encephalitis), heart (viral myocarditis) and lungs (viral pneumonia) and this can be the cause of death of these patients.
How to Support your Immune System Naturally?
There are many Natural Interventions that can be crucial in supporting your immune system such as
- Proper Nutrition: Eating a balanced amount of proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins are very essential in building your Immune System. Drinking enough water is also very integral in supporting the Immune System.
- Vitamin D: Vitamin D is very important in supporting the Immune System. In Canada, vitamin D Deficiency is very common due to lack of sunshine and inadequate exposure to the sun which makes most Canadians deficient in this vitamin.
- High doses of Minerals such as trace minerals, zinc and manganese
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https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-naturpathicdr-toronto For Toronto Residents
https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-naturpathic-dr-grimsby-niagara For Grimsby, Hamilton, Stoney Creek and Niagara Residents