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Naturopathic Medicine Blog

Nutrition and Breast Cancer A New Research

Posted May 17th, 2020 in Naturopathic Medicine, News, Tips

Nutrition and Breast Cancer A New Research The subject of Nutrition and Cancer has been researched for decades with lots of data and knowledge that help to reduce the incidence of breast cancer. Recently, research was done on Nutrition and Breast Cancer A New Research about this subject was recently Published by Forman M in February 2020 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2020.00129/full. In this Research, it was highlighted that Nutrition is very essential in reducing the risk of Breast Cancer not only for adult women but also since childhood.  This research explored the fact that high birth weight carries a higher risk of developing of Breast Cancer later in life and concluded that this high birth weight can be partially caused by a disturbed hormonal balance of women during pregnancy so resulting in relatively higher female estrogen hormones in their bodies that may be the reason of being more vulnerable to the Breast Cancer in adulthood.

Even during infancy, especially during the first 3-6 months of life, an increase in body weight during this period results in a higher (1.78 fold) increase in Breast Cancer incidence later in life.

Weight gain during puberty was not a high-risk factor for girls under the age of 18 years, however, girls who gained weight after 18 years of age showed a higher incidence of breast cancer than those with less body weight.

Exposure to life stressors in childhood and adult life can be a risk factor for developing Breast Cancer in addition to weight gain.

So, in conclusion, this study stresses the fact that keeping the body weight within the normal range is one of the best strategies to keep people away from breast cancer, however, it is not a guarantee that this strategy would prevent Breast Cancer, but rather reduces its risk of incidence.


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