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Naturopathic Medicine Blog

Curcumin and Skin Health Psoriasis and Eczema

Posted Jul 29th, 2023 in Naturopathic Medicine, News, Tips

Curcumin is a Natural Health product extracted from the Plant Turmeric and is names also Curcuma Longa.

For many years, curcumin has been identified as an anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory Anti Arthritic, Anti metabolic syndrome, and maintains the overall health and well-being of healthy people, and this was proved with many recent research and scientific publications 

Today’s topic curcumin and Skin Health Psoriasis and Eczema is about the value of Curcumin in Chronic Skin Conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema.

The Topic of Using Curcumin in Chronic Skin Conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema has been studied by a group of Scientists from Brazil and the research was published in 2020.

According to this research findings, the use of curcumin in chronic inflammatory skin conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis, and chronic itchiness results in a clinical response and an anti-inflammatory effect.

The root cause of the emergence of these chronic skin conditions is the chronic inflammation of the skin that can disrupt the skin barriers and hence negatively affect the immune protective function of the skin.

In conclusion, the researchers recommended doing more research on the use of Curcumin and the Skin Health Psoriasis and Eczema.

If you need more information about this research you can check this link https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10408398.2020.1798353?scroll=top&needAccess=true&role=tab 


If you have other questions or need help, don’t hesitate to contact us

Toronto https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-toronto 

Grimsby https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-grimsby 



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