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Naturopathic Medicine Blog

Lung Cancer and Air Pollution-copy

Posted Mar 1st, 2024 in Naturopathic Medicine, News, Tips

Lung Cancer and Air Pollution


Lung Cancer is one of the most aggressive types of Cancer and needs Multimodality Care. In Canada, in 2022, it is estimated that 30,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with Lung Cancer   20,700 Will die from Lung Cancer, and on average, 82 Canadians will be diagnosed with Lung Cancer every day and 57 will die from Lung Cancer every day these stats are updated as of September 11, 2022, https://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-types/lung/statistics 


With these striking statistics, and the well-known burden on the healthcare system in Canada, a question arises, what causes lung cancer? The answer to this question will be the main subject of today’s article (Lung Cancer and Air Pollution).

According to the Government of Canada Health Website, https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/chronic-diseases/cancer/lung-cancer.html   Lung Cancer can be caused by many factors such as smoking (main reason, based on clinical data and statistics), that includes as well second-hand smoking (which means living closely with someone who smokes and the person inhales that smoke). Then Air Pollution comes as the second major cause of Lung Cancer, most probably, due to exposure to toxic gases such as Radon that may be carcinogenic and can cause lung cancer, also Asbestos exposure can be another factor that causes lung cancer.

Exposure to Radon gas is the number one cause of Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers and is responsible for 16% of all Lung Cancer Cases in Canada and almost 3000 Lung Cancer Deaths in Canada every year.

How to detect Radon Gas Pollution in your place? Testing is available in Canada by having a do-it-yourself Radon Test Kit Or professional that is certified under the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP).

The levels of exposure to Radon Gas vary greatly between different areas in Canada so it is important to have an individualized assessment of the exposure levels in your areas of residence/work to avoid exposure to this gas.

Need help? Have any questions? Contact us

Toronto  https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-toronto 

Grimsby https://www.ontarionaturopathicclinic.ca/site/contact-grimsby 




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